Here’s our step-by-step guide to getting started with Zedify.
Trusted to deliver for hundreds of brilliant brands
- Step one
- Good news! Your deliveries are about to get better in all ways.
- Chat to our partnerships team to discover the best fit for your business.
- Use us in up to 9 major UK cities.
- If your customers are in a single city, just use us.
- If your customers are UK-wide, use us as a part of a multi-carrier approach.
Step twoPickyourservice+plan
- Next day? Pre-booked same day? Ship from store? We’ve got you covered. Check out our services page for more.
- We have a range of plans available to suit you and your customers.
- Don’t need all the frills? Don’t pay for them.
Step threeConnectZedifytoyourstore
- We’re integrated with Shopify, WooCommerce, Metapack, Shiptheory and many more.
- Our partnerships team will help you connect your platform to Zedify.
- Together, we’ll set the postcodes you want us to deliver.
- Your orders go straight into our platform.
Step fourCobrandit!
- Up the wow factor of your products arriving by cargo bike with cobranding.
- Design your own bike wrap.
- A mobile billboard for your brand.
- Top performing content for socials.
- Extend your brand right up to the doorstep.
Step fiveGettingyourparcelstoaZedifyhub
- As long as your parcel volumes meet our minimum requirements, we’ll come to collect your parcels, wherever they are.
- Our electric vans cover the middle mile, from your warehouse to our city hubs.
- In our hubs, the parcels are sorted and loaded on our bikes.
Step sixIt'sdeliverytime!
- We deliver your orders on fast, efficient and green cargo bikes.
- They use over 80% less co2 per delivery than even an electric van.
- If you need to get serious about decarbonising your supply chain and delighting customers, this is the delivery service for you.
Step sevenLivetrackingandnotifications
- We let your customers know our ETA on the morning of their delivery.
- They can update their delivery in-flight and view their rider’s location via a map.
- Giving your customers clarity and control over their deliveries helps drive your growth.
- Your QVDs drop and your sales keep tracking up.
Step eightWegivegreatdoorstepexperience
- Friendly, uniformed real Living Wage employed riders every time.
- Rated Excellent on Trustpilot.
- Your fabulous products get the post purchase handover experience they deserve.
Step nineYourjobgetseasier
- Streamline to one sustainable carrier in multiple city locations.
- All the data you need, at your fingertips. Via our portal or through an API integration.
- Use your carbon savings from Zedify to reach your net zero goals.
- Watch the great delivery experience reviews roll in.
- Sit back and enjoy a well earned brew.
Thanks for your interest in using Zedify. At the moment, we‘re just for businesses and can’t deliver one-off parcels for individuals. Sorry about that.
Want to keep in the loop with all things Zedify? Follow us on Instagram or pop us a message to to ask us anything.
Want to take action to receive more of your online orders by cargo bike? You can help fight the good fight by letting your favourite stores and brands know what you think!