Who are Abcam?
The leading global supplier of protein research tools for life scientists. With headquarters in Cambridge, Abcam supply over 100,000 different antibodies, kits and reagents to research labs.
What did they need?
Regular deliveries to university and research laboratories across Cambridge, alongside a daily time-sensitive internal mail service between Abcam offices. Often, packages need to be stored at critical temperatures using dry ice.
How does Zedify help?
Working with Abcam for over 10 years, we use cargo bikes and trikes to make prompt deliveries of Abcam’s specialist products. Complying with HSE rules and with special insurance cover, we can cater for the dry-ice packed materials which are classed as ‘dangerous packages’.
What are the results?
Zedify provides Abcam with a service which is responsive, professional and reliable. With over 2,500 deliveries made each year, Zedify has saved Abcam 508kg of CO2 every year and contributes 250 hours work for a Living Wage employed rider.
Thanks for your interest in using Zedify. At the moment, we‘re just for businesses and can’t deliver one-off parcels for individuals. Sorry about that.
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