The Cambridge Cheese Company | Zedify
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Case Study


calendarNovember 9th, 2021
personHarriet Hird
clock1 minute read

Who are The Cambridge Cheese Company?

Established in 1994 and stocking exceptional local and European produce, including some 200 specialist cheeses, The Cambridge Cheese Company are a local favourite with nationwide coverage.

What did they need?

Sustainability is at the heart of The Cambridge Cheese Company’s approach, from ethical produce through to low waste packaging. A zero emission delivery service is a key part of that approach. They wanted a great doorstep experience and supportive account management.

  • Our business vision is to be a lean, green, cheese-selling machine! We’re so proud that a zero emission cargo bike delivery service is one way we’re making that vision a reality.

    Kjacky Sutton-Adam, Cambridge Cheese Company

How does Zedify help?

Our local team provides a responsive, cost-effective and friendly one-stop shop for The Cambridge Cheese Company. Each year we deliver over 2,000 of their packages using zero emissions, including a local same-day service and a first mile service for their national customer base. This complete offering means no large vans or trucks need to go near to their city-centre shop.

What are the results?

The Cambridge Cheese Company say their customers love their cheese bags arriving by cargo bike. Supporting their keen focus on sustainability, our service has helped them to save 409kg CO2 and resulted in 201 hours of deliveries made by a Living Wage employed rider.

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Thanks for your interest in using Zedify. At the moment, we‘re just for businesses and can’t deliver one-off parcels for individuals. Sorry about that.

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Want to take action to receive more of your online orders by cargo bike? You can help fight the good fight by letting your favourite stores and brands know what you think!